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borderless branding

How to look beyond the imidiate context of your product?

Real estate communication is usually mostly functional and focusses solely on the property itself, while the surrounding living environment is often just as crucial for home hunters. So to fill the ADA residential complex, we decided to brand the entire neighbourhood, the Amstelkwartier in Amsterdam.


By creating a story around the fictional brand persona 'Ada,' we brought heart and history to the Amstelkwartier. We developed a flexible campaign that brought the atmosphere of the peaceful neighbourhood to life for different audiences.


A real-time data dashboard provided us with insights into our different targets and the effectiveness of our media mix. With the campaign, CBRE has been able to build a diverse community of enthusiastic tenants for current and future real estate projects in the Amstelkwartier.

About CBRE

CBRE is the world's largest commercial real estate and investment advisor. The brand holds the top position globally in leasing, property sales, outsourcing, property management, and real estate valuation, serving clients in over 100 countries. The organization's success is driven by profound market knowledge and a wide portfolio of services. CBRE has been active in the Netherlands since 1973.

  • Research
  • Strategy
  • Concept
  • Campaigns
  • Storytelling
  • Art Direction

Broad imaging

To gain a clear understanding of our broad target audience of potential residents, we defined different target groups based on CBRE's customer profiles, Facebook data, Google Analytics data, and data from the municipality of Amsterdam. Each target group required a different strategy, taking into account factors such as income or life stage. With a new brand identity, a platform, a print campaign, social media posts, guerrilla activations, atmospheric photography, a mood film, and other means, we created a range of different tailor-made flavours of ADA's offering.

"There are huge investments involved in a construction project like the ADA complex, so we knew that it was also a goal for CBRE to make the building attractive for the long term, for different types of residents. The data dashboard helped us a lot to identify the gaps in our strategy and adjust the course of the campaign's accordingly."

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